Friday, August 31, 2007
November 13th. 2007- The comeback begins..
The NY Daily News has reported more details on Britney's performance. And all of the reviews of "Gimme More" has been great until now. Just check "Blender" Magazine's review here. Britney is set to perform today at the LAX Club opening in Las Vegas. She was spotted rehearsing for her VMA performance yesterday at a dance studio in L.A. ... Oh she is also on number 6 on Z100 music chart in NYC. And she just made the top 9 of Jojo's in Kiis Fm in Los Angeles... in one day... Bet who's back?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
It's Britney bitch!

Yes, yes.. A world of yes! The day has come... Britney Spears' new single "Gimme More" has been released! The song has leaked in the internet and let me tell ya something. She is back. has updated the website promoting the single of the princess of pop which is set to debut on radio next week. Just today MTV's show, Total Request Live confirmed Britney will perform the single tomorrow at the opening of the club LAX in Las Vegas, which she is hosting. That sums to her performance at the VMA's next month. Yes haters, She is back!!
The song is hot! Is just an amazing dance track. I'm a rock guy, with a kind of emo musical taste, but this is amazing! Download the song on, or stream the song on, perezhilton, popsugar, and Also, as if this weren't good enough, another track has been released, "Cold as fire" which is even better... racy, sexy, just hot!
Here are the lyrics of "Gimme More":
It's Britney Bitch!
I see you
And I just wanna dance with you
Everytime they turn the lights down
Just wanna go that extra mile for you (you you)
Public display of affection
Feel's like no one else in the room
We can get down like there's no one around
We'll keep on rockin' (keep on rockin')
We'll keep on rockin' (keep on rockin')
Cameras are flashing my way
Dirty dancing
They keep watchin' (they keep watchin')
Keep watching
Feel's like the crowd is saying
Gimmie Gimmie More (...)
Center of attention (even)
Even when they're up against the wall
You got me in a crazy position
Flat on a mission
You got my permission
We can get down like there's no one around
We'll keep on rockin' (keep on rockin')
We'll keep on rockin' (rockin')
Cameras are flashing my way
Dirty dancing
They keep watchin' (they keep watchin')
Keep watching
Feel's like the crowd is saying
Gimmie Gimmie More (...)
I just can't, control myself
More, they want more
Well I'll give them more
Gimmie Gimmie More (...)
Gimmie Gimmie More (...)
Bet you didn't see this one coming
The incredible lygo
The legendary Miss Britney Sears
The unstoppable Danja
You gonna have to remove me Cause I ain't goin' no where.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Weird stuff
Today when I came back from school there was a police helicopter going around the place and the police was shouting all over that they were looking for a fugitive. Around 30-years, caucasian, with blue jeans and white shirt. OMG, I was scared to death... I really want to move the hell out of here. I live in a nice area but I'm over the insecurity in this place.
But not all is bad news, Entertainment Weekly Online and had just confirmed that Britney Spears' new single "Gimme More" will hit the airwaves as early as next week. The track has been produced by Danja (who also produced that annoying new song from Paula de Anda), and it's supposed to be a "club banger". See the info here. Also, new reports have been published leaking info on her VMA's performance. Her dancer says she will perform a medley of her single and a ballad called "Cry". She will appear in a "game of mirrors that make her appear and disappear" with the help of Criss Angel (!!). Her dancers will dance and perform stunts in the air and then the bridge of "Gimme More" will appear with a little "reggaeton" solo with Britney and another dancer.. Woww..I am more and more excited every day. Check more info on
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Weekend Update
I don't have anything interesting to write about... oh but I'm buying my tickets for the Incubus concert on Wednesday. I'm going with my friend Briana. This will be my seventh concert this year. In 2007 I've seen Justin Timberlake and Pink, Stranger, Gwen Stefani with Akon, Daphne loves Derby (without Daphne Loves Derby, just a bunch of crappy bands), Paulina Rubio, Peter Bjorn and John and now Incubus with the Bravery. It's going to be so much fun!
I also checked the prices for the VMA tickets.. I'm going to be in Vegas that day... and OMG. They are 3,450 dollars for the cheapest one and 9,000 dollars for the closest to the stage.. HEEEELLSS NOOO!! I can't afford that. So me and my sister and my cousins are just going to go and stand in the red carpet to see all the celebrities... hehee, at least. So, I'll update with my vacation ventures in two weeks.. Peace out!
Friday, August 24, 2007
The End of an Era
Communism will not end, but hopefully, Castro's death will bring a bit of hope for Cubans and Cuban-Americans for a free land once for all. The news should be confirmed shortly.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sneak peek at the Comeback?

Hi guys! Sorry it took a few days to post but I've been super busy with school and everything else. Today someone from Britney Spears' camp has "leaked" a song from her upcoming fifth studio album. Us, her fans (Am I the only one left?) have been expecting this for over 3 years now. And most of us expected a bomb, a up-tempo song with killer beats and a new sound.. a la Toxic times 10.. but she surprised us, with a slow tempo ballad with rather depressing lyrics called "Baby Boy".
Go to Breathe to hear the song and read the lyrics.. My opinion? She sounds better than ever, it seems that she really feels what she is singing. It also seems like she wrote the lyrics because it clearly talks about her failed marriage. But.. she has an awful talking speech in the middle of the song when she talks of... grocerie shopping? Naaahh.. Brit you can do better that. Hope she can surprise us at the VMA's!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Stop the bullshit
On the other side, Hurricane Dean... It's going through Mexico and I please ask everyone to pray for those people. Most of the population in Central America and South Mexico are extremely underprivileged and sadly, they are always the ones that suffer the most. Hopefully nothing "bad" will happen and remember, we live in a first world country and should help the needed. My family and I are going to give a bunch of clothes for the people in Peru that had a tremendous earthquake last week... Go and help in the American Red Cross now.
Monday, August 20, 2007
High School Perfection
So then of course I didn't watch it on Friday (I have a life..) but I did get to watch it yesterday night.. And oh my god was it a riot. This la-la land, where everybody is happy and cute and they tend to explode in complete choreographed musical numbers in the middle of a kitchen is not for me. Yes, maybe I'm a bitter 18-year-old, but here is what I just couldn't handle of it.
1.Zac Efron: Is he a girl?? He looks like it! I mean the guy has the most perfect face structure, and the flowy hair and the expressions. I'm annoyed by him. I mean, he is everywhere. In the cover of Rolling Stone, in every single talk show out there, and I think he is dating that Gabriella girl... oh she looks like a furby too... (Remember Furbies?)
2. That one guy, Sharpay's brother... He wears all pink, all day and loves musical theater... and supposedly he is straight... Riiiight!!
3. Cheese Factor: Oh my god that was the cheesiest movie ever! I seriously wanted to scream at the screen after like the 5th. time Troy and Gabriella wanted to kiss but were interrupted by someone or something.. they finally kissed at the end, and they had fireworks.... exactly.
4. Hannah Montana Cameo: If I hate something more than the HSM2 kids is that Hannah Montana kid! Oh gosh she is so cute... too cute for me to bear it.. And she is for like 5 seconds at the end of the movie.
Oh well.. call me a bitter bastard with no heart but I don't like that movie. I don't know If you realized that before. And I guess this is not going to finish anytime soon. Disney Channel is cashing in with those kids and I guess we can expect to see "College Musical", "Marriage Musical", and the way Hollywood is going lately, "Rehab Musical 2"
Sunday, August 19, 2007
This weekend has been pretty chill... La Jolla and PB on Friday with the cousin and her boyfriend, chilling with the friend on Saturday and barbeque with the family right now.. Oh yes, I'm such an anti-social. But the highlight of all was my encounter with the I-Phone!! OMG that shit can do everything! It's so cool.. my friend bought it and let me tell ya, is worth every penny of it.
But not everything is cool. I just realized i'm not going to be in San Diego when Street Scene comes. I'm so bummed!! It was destined to be great. Jaguares, Kinky, Augustana, Slightly Stoopid!!!! Oh well.. there's always 08.
And speaking of 08.. I think I'm moving to La Mesa or somewhere near North County in December... in the middle of senior year... yup... I'm all about timing.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Songs you HAVE to hear before you die
311- Love Song.
Sublime- Santeria.
Pawn Shop.
Corinne Bailey Rae- Like a Star.
Peter Bjorn and John- Object of my affection.
Young folks.
Up Against the wall.
Amy Winehouse- I'm no good.
Soda Stereo- Musica Ligera (Live version).
Augustana- Boston.
John Mayer- Daughters.
Your body is a wonderland.
Britney Spears- Someday (I will understand).
Breathe on Me.
Plain White T-Shirts- Hey there Delilah.
Kelly Clarkson- Sober.
Incubus- Nice to know you.
Belanova- Nino.
Boys like girls- The Great Escape.
Red Hot Chili Peppers- Scar Tissue.
Regina Spektor- Us.
Natasha Bedignfield- Unwritten.
King Chango- Sin ti.
The Killers- Somebody told me.
Justin Timberlake- Sexyback.
Stranger- Bicycle built for two.
Mana- El Reloj Cucu.
Rihanna- Umbrella.
Linkin Park- Numb.
The Fray- Over my head.
How to save a life.
John Legend- Ordinary people.
Maroon 5- Sunday Morning.
Jaguares- No dejes que.
Hoobastank- The Reason.
Gnarls Barkley- Crazy.
Dido- Thank you.
The Fugees- Killing me softly.
My Chemical Romance- Teenagers.
Foo Fighters- Best of You.
Cafe Tacuba- Avientame.
Alanis Morrissette- Uninvited.
Thank you.
"My humps" cover.
Damien Marley- Welcome to Jamrock.
Paramore- Misery Business.
RBD- Ser o Parecer.
Pink- Dear Mr. President.
Kanye West- Gold digger.
No Doubt- Don't Speak.
Any comments?? I hope you liked my list. I'll add more when I remember...
Friday, August 17, 2007
WFT?? Waht hte hlel is tish?
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to
a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht
oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is
taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset
can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas
tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
[I wonder if Einstein would have been able to read this..?]
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Things that make you say WHAT?!
- Lip plump: Why do women want to plump their lips!! And some girl in math class used it and now she looks like a fish! Gosh, women are never happy with their appearance..
- Facebook: I just don't get it! How come you can poke people and send them drinks!! I just don't know how to use it.. I like MySpace better...
-Showoffs: So there is this guy in the gym I go to that never does anything! He is super ripped, model-like, and he just goes out there and struts his stuff around the gym, like saying "Oh look at me, I'm so hot".. Gosh I hate those people.. Why don't you just go to the gym and work out like all of us??
- Trigonometry: Test. Tomorrow. I'm sooo failing.
- VMA's 07!!!!- September 9th in Vegas.. Same weekend i'm going to LV with my parents. Vegas + VMAS + Me= FUN!!!.. And more with the Britney Spears rumors of her performance at the awards... I can't wait!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Separation anxiety
Right now I am feeling a tremendous separation anxiety. It's not even funny. First, my cousin, which is more like a sister to me, went back to Mexico. She left a huge gap in my life and things are not the same without her. She was like my sidekick, my confident and now there is no one who I can actually talk whenever I want of whatever I want. Then, a couple of my best friends are leaving to college this week. And I know that things are never going to be the same.
It is too much to soon. Now i truly need my friends and family to be there for me. Sometimes when I feel lonely, I start to feel depressed. Maybe I should focus on the good things instead of this... But is hard. Comments will be greatly appreciated in here. Much Love and God Bless you All.
Queen of Photoshop

With all the controversy surrounding Britney Spears this days, if there is anyone that she should be grateful is the creator of Photoshop that helped her look this good in her Allure Magazine cover and the ad for her new campaign "Believe". Who said fake beauty was bad??

Monday, August 13, 2007
Stupid stuff
The L.A Galaxy.. oh gosh. They paid gazillions of dollars to have David Beckham, and he hasn't played any game at all!! He had some injury in his ankle.. but wtf, he is wasting American money!! Get your ass up and play, stop hanging around with you celebrity friends and incredibly skinny wife and do what you know how to do!!!
Oh well, I love stupidness.. I am stupid too. That's whyI love this next story. Birth control for pigeons... oh my god. I know there is a lot of them in Downtown but come on!! How are they going to do that??!!! Are they going to create mini condoms for pigeons??!! I don't even think pigeons have penises!!!!
Oh well.. I may just be a bit irritated.. It will go away.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Beach days...

Yesterday we had the CCNMA bonfire! It was so much fun.. It was probably the last time i will see some of my best friends because they're leaving for college. So I had to soak everything in and I did. I had the courage to tell everyone I loved them and that I will miss them and I felt great about it.
So thank you so much y'all!! Thank you for a great day and thank you for being my friends! Jose, Kaitlin, Julie, Adam, Briana, Annora, Kristi, Megan,Cynthia, Jessica, yesterday you made my day. I love you guys.
P.S: Thanks also to all of the people that started to read my blog! And thanks for the comments!!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
A collapsing world
We have to take care of our world, there is so many different ways we can help, we just have to be serious about it and it's not even that much. Just turn off the lights when you're not using them, save water, recycle!! I have learned to recycle since I met a wonderful friend this summer who was even capable to look into the trash cans to get recyclable items. Now I save each aluminum can, piece of glass or whatever I see... of course I'm not that generous and I go and sell them.. hey, it's easy money! But still, it's in our hands to put a little bit of our will to try to change this mess of a world we have come into.
I hope this words can help you to set your mind into bigger and better things in the near future... We're the future and we are the ones that will have to deal with the consecuences of the actions of people right now. And I want my world to be better for me and my children. So don't fuck it up for me.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
What happened to our music?
Yesterday the nomination for the MTV Video Music Awards were announced, and of course Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Rihanna, Nelly Furtado, Fergie and all of those folks got tons of nominations.. It seems that you only need to have catchy hook to become a multi platinum-selling artist. "Umbrella, ella, ella, e, e,e", "To the left, to the left", "I'm bringing the sexy back", and of course the super famous and incredibily annoying "G - L - A - M - O -R -O - U-S" of Fergie's song.
Please lets forget for a second the "Lean like a Cholo" and focus on some great music for me right now:
Peter, Bjorn and John: My favorite band in ages!! You may have heard the song "Young Folks", literally everywhere, but seriously, the whole "Writer's Block" album is amazing. I had the wonderful opportunity to see them in concert at the House of Blues in Downtown last week and it was clearly one of the highlights of my summer. They're the epitome of what rock stars should be, and their John is a tremendous guitar player!! Please check their songs out!
Augustana: I first heard the song "Boston" a while ago and later I found it again in my friend Jose's MySpace, and since then I've been a fan of them.. All of their album it's so great and I think I'm going to go see them at Street Scene next month. I can't wait!!
Other really good stuff right now: Plain White T-Shirts, Regina Spektor, Incubus' latest album, mexican electro-pop band Belanova and... the return of Soda Stereo!!! A hugely popular band from Argentina that is getting back together for a mini tour, they'll be in LA soon.. I'm going to see what I can do about it...
Aye, enough with my ramblings, read ya guys later!
Monday, August 6, 2007
In more fun stuff.. STREET SCENE 07 IS COMING TO COORS AMPHITHEATER!! Yaaaaay... finally is closer to me. But all those North County people are outraged cause it's too far. Naaah, they're scared to come to Chula-juana, that's what's up! Don't worry you guys! Nothing is going to happen in CV and its mexicanicity, but if you don't wanna come, cool.. more space for us.
Oh gooshh, I love my dose of "trainwreck spears" mania. So Britney Spears hired Kelly Clarkson's old manager Jeff Kwatinez and is supposed to get her dying career back to life.. And i mean, he is the guy that made Kelly's "Since U been Gone" fame, so I guess he can handle her. BUUT.. she is dumb as a rock and she keeps screwing any good chances she gets. Like storming out of another photoshoot now for Allure Magazine.. biiitch!!! that was good PR!!! oooh god bless her soul..
Let's get this party started!

Everyone seems to have blogs nowadays. And I, I am an unoriginal human being with a craving for attention, a walking contradiction that cannot even understand himself. That's why I got my own blog! My name is Antonio Martinez, I am 18 years old and I live in San Diego, California.
I am a journalist, at least I think that of myself. I write in my school newspaper and in a mexican magazine that my cousin runs in Guadalajara, MX. one of the greatest cities in the world. Still, I have the urge to keep on writing and expressing myself. That's why I got this blog! To talk of all the randomness of my life and the world overall. So buckle down everybody!!
P.S: Yeah that's me in all my weirdness..