Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Primaries for the Presidential Elections came yesterday and every single American citizen came out tp cast their vote for the new President of the Free World. With a really tight presidential race, John McCain won for the Republicans and Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton were almost as popular in every single State and District.

I completely support the Democrat Party, and I believe either Obama or Clinton are great candidates to be the President of thr United States of America. Either way, history will be made by having the first African-American or the first women President. I think this country is ready for a change that completely represents the variety of this country and what is really happening right now. Both candidates, especially Barack Obama are so refreshing and their propositions seem to be really good. I have never been so supportive of the politics until now.

Get informed, form an opinion, and cast your vote. Help make American history happen.

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