Sunday, February 24, 2008


Dude, so I went to Orson's Well, Arizona for a fun weekend out in the desert with my family and some friends right? It was all supposed to be super fun and great. It was. I drank a lot, I eat a lot, I overall had a great time.


I was riding in a Rhino Bike with my cousin and he had a bit too much drinks so he tipped over and the rhino fell down, crushing my right foot. My right fucking foot! I am so glad I didn't break it. But I did sprained it, big time. It is really swollen and it hurts a lot. I do not know how am I going to be able to walk to school tomorrow. And what's worst.. I am not going to be able to go to the gym and run anymore for a long time. That really sucks.

So yeah.. it was defitinely an eventful weekend. Peace.

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