Thursday, August 9, 2007

A collapsing world

Doesn't it seems that everything is collapsing nowadays?? The bridge in Minneapolis, the mine in Ohio, and our economy each day. Is our world a safe place where we can have the freedom to have healthy and happy children and leave them to enjoy the wonderful world we have gotten to enjoy?

We have to take care of our world, there is so many different ways we can help, we just have to be serious about it and it's not even that much. Just turn off the lights when you're not using them, save water, recycle!! I have learned to recycle since I met a wonderful friend this summer who was even capable to look into the trash cans to get recyclable items. Now I save each aluminum can, piece of glass or whatever I see... of course I'm not that generous and I go and sell them.. hey, it's easy money! But still, it's in our hands to put a little bit of our will to try to change this mess of a world we have come into.

I hope this words can help you to set your mind into bigger and better things in the near future... We're the future and we are the ones that will have to deal with the consecuences of the actions of people right now. And I want my world to be better for me and my children. So don't fuck it up for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehehe you are such a journalist!! really you impressed me jaja you talked like the transformer when they were at the top of that building!!
oh well i read all your blogs..their cool ei take care love you..i si no escribi bien no te rias de mi eee ^_^