Monday, October 8, 2007

Return to Normalcy

So I'm back in San Diego. After a glorious month globethroting three different countries. Wow, I'm such a jetsetter. Anyways, I got back to the core of my stuff. I called the friends again and today I came back to school. Just to find out that some special someone got herself a boyfriend while I was gone- yep, it always happens. On Sunday I'm going to my friend Adam's documentary screening at the San Diego Asian Film Festical! Wow, I'm so proud of that bastard. And I guess I'll see a couple of my CCNMA peeps, I love them. They've just smashed my MySpace profile with welcome messages and comments. Hehe, it makes me feel good.

Oh right, so coming back to the States I realize a couple of things. On an hour and a half I was working out in the Gym I saw what Britney Spears did on the weekend on three major prime time news show. Ok, that's going way too far. I also realized that even though Lauren Conrad is incredibilly gorgeous, her "reality show" is fake (I guess it took me too long to realize that), and I also realized San Diego's weather is crazy!! It was so nice down in GDL!!

Ok, so I'll write soon, or when I have something interesting to say. BYEE!

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