Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Back from Vegas, In for a Ride

Hey guys! I have just come back from Vegas.. it was really cool. I got to go to all of the hotels (The Bellagio, Caesar Palace and The Venetian being my favorites), eat some really good buffets, have fun with my family, and even managed to gamble a bit....at 18 years old. I also went to the VMA's hotel, The Palms and stayed outside, where I saw all of the limos and everything getting ready for the awards. Sadly, security was super strict and I couldn't get in. But then, I heard the chaos.

Everywhere in Vegas, everywhere.. "Did you see Britney's peformance?", "How bad was it!!".. I couldn't see it because I was in a buffet with my family, and they just couldn't care less for the VMAs, even though everyone in Vegas was talking about it. I cannot be more grateful that I was on vacation and I didn't hear, read or saw any of the bad comments her performance got. Until I come to the computer and read it all.

First of all, there is millions of rumors about what went wrong. And I just can say, I don't believe so. Maybe she was nervous, I mean, is the first time she performed in 4 years! And that first stage comes to be the opening of the first big-time musical award show of the year.. Imagine all that pressure!! I don't know.. It's to hard for me to explain it. But i just can say that is not fair that people criticize her figure.. They can criticize her performance but not her looks.. She is a mother of 2, it will never be the same.

I love Britney and I always will. No matter what. Now I just have to deal with everyone critizicing why do I love her.. It's unexplainable. But you know what? I don't give a fuck. Haha.. I don't.

Now, I have 3 days left in San Diego and then I leave to Chicago.. I have to go. I will try to post pictures of Vegas soon.. Love you all! BYE!

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